Consultant Spotlight - April 2021
Scott campit
Ph.D. Student in Chemical Biology
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I've been with miLEAD since October 2020, so less than 1 year.
What is the focus of your research?
My research focuses on developing computational models of metabolism using omics data and statistical analyses. The goal of my project is to apply these models for identifying potential metabolic drug targets in cancer.
What are your career goals?
I enjoy sifting through data and finding the gems within the weeds. I plan to pursue a career as a data scientist in the biotechnology or healthcare industries upon completing my Ph.D.
What roles have you played on projects?
I just completed my first project as a consultant performing secondary market research and competitive landscape analysis on the proteomics market for a life science consulting company.
What led you to seek out milead?
I was introduced to miLEAD from the Biotech Career Development Program at U-M by several people who participated in the past and said great things about the group. I decided to apply to miLEAD to solve business problems and network with my colleagues pursuing careers in consulting and biotechnology.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
I have developed several valuable skills in the biotechnology industry, including reading and evaluating market research reports, designing slides, and presenting data to clients and teammates. As a researcher, I usually work as an individual or as a mentor for students. Through miLEAD, I learned a lot about working with a team to solve complex problems. This experience helped me gain confidence in my ability to work with others and meet tight deadlines.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
I have been fortunate enough to work with great consultants, advisers, and an excellent project manager. I am proud of the deliverables we accomplished and positive feedback we received from our client. The impact we have on local businesses is rewarding, and I'm excited to work on more projects in the future. Additionally, the workshops miLEAD hosts have helped in my professional development, and I hope to continue growing within the organization!