Consultant Spotlight - January 2022
Kathryn Hilde
Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Michigan Neuroscience Institute.
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I have been with miLEAD for 6 months (joined in July 2021).
What is the focus of your research?
My postdoctoral projects have focused on understanding how genetic and environmental factors alter the trajectory of brain development. In particular, we are interested in understanding the link between early life events (e.g. genetic predisposition or early life stress) and vulnerability to affective disorders in adulthood.
What are your career goals?
I am interested in early-stage R&D within biotech companies and hope to transition to industry in 2022.
What roles have you played on projects?
I have worked as a consultant on 2 miLEAD projects.
What led you to seek out milead?
I wanted to gain hands-on experience working with various stakeholders in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
I have loved learning how to perform primary and secondary research for both medical device and biotech companies. Additionally, understanding how to focus research and science communications for an individual client's needs (versus my own targeted research project) has broadened my way of thinking about science.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
I have really enjoyed the team-based approach to projects. It has allowed me to meet a lot of scientists within the U-M community that I wouldn't normally interact with. I have also enjoyed improving my consulting skills by implementing the feedback from other team members, project managers, and advisors.