Consultant Spotlight - March 2021
Christopher Davidson
Ph.D. Student in Biomedical Engineering
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I joined miLEAD in August 2018, so about 2.5 years.
What is the focus of your research?
My research is focused on tissue engineering and mechanobiology, where I combine approaches from cell biology, materials science, and engineering to investigate how the structure and mechanics of the cellular microenvironment regulate fundamental cell processes. Specifically, I am designing advanced biomaterial platforms to better understand how matrix physical properties and cell forces enable the self-assembly of functional microvascular networks for regenerative medicine applications.
What are your career goals?
I plan to pursue a research career at a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company upon completion of my PhD in December. Specifically, I hope to use my engineering background to build advanced in vitro disease models to assist in early-stage drug discovery.
What roles have you played on projects?
So far, I have been a consultant on three very diverse projects, working with companies that are building technologies ranging from drones and robotics to advanced wound healing products. These projects have given me experience in both secondary research, including market analysis, competitive landscape analysis, and customer discovery, as well as primary research, which involves writing and distributing surveys and conducting phone interviews with field experts and potential new customers for our clients.
What led you to seek out milead?
During the second year of my PhD, I decided that I was going to pursue a career outside of academia upon completion of my degree. I attended a few miLEAD sponsored events and panels to learn about non-academic careers and ended up talking to many miLEAD consultants about their experiences with the organization. I decided to apply to gain consulting and business skills that I never would have gained solely from my PhD research and to network with fellow Michigan students and biotech professionals in the Ann Arbor area.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
I have been able to develop a wide range of skills from my miLEAD projects including tangible business skills such as reading market research reports, evaluating a company's competitive positioning, and developing strategic recommendations for a client. The biggest area that I have been able to grow in, however, is my general presentation and communication skills. miLEAD projects require you to quickly compile large amounts of technical information, determine what is important, and present that information in a quick and digestible manner to a diverse audience. While difficult at first, I have now had countless opportunities to practice and grow in this area during my projects. This skill has translated into my PhD research and will be instrumental in my future career, regardless of where I end up.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
The most rewarding experiences I have had thus far working with miLEAD have been the final presentations to our clients. I have been lucky enough to work on some phenomenal teams with outstanding project managers and advisers, and we are always really proud of our final deliverables and have received positive feedback from our clients. Knowing that the work you put in and recommendations that you make could make an impact on a real company is a cool feeling and being able to celebrate that shared success with your team is very rewarding.