Consultant Spotlight - June 2020
Janet Price, M.S.
PhD candidate in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I joined miLEAD in Fall 2017, so about 2.5 years.
What is the focus of your research?
I study how bacteria build a community structure in order to protect themselves from antibiotics and removal. If we better understand the processes bacteria use to communicate their production, we can better address their removal for health and human wellness.
What are your career goals?
Through outreach and miLEAD, I've realized how much I enjoy the face-to-face scientific and problem-solving discussions. I’ve made invaluable connections within the Ann Arbor biotech community and I plan on transitioning to one of them as soon as I defend my Ph.D. thesis.
What roles have you played on projects?
Often I am the most senior consultant on projects, so I have stepped into the position where I take on a little extra. I have sought out experts to interview for background research, helped construct a white paper, and synthesized collected data for executive summaries with the support of amazing miLEAD teams. Most recently I was a Project Manager, which was a great exercise in staying big picture focused and effectively helping consultants at different stages of experience.
What led you to seek out miLEAD?
I knew early on that academia wasn't the environment I wanted to work in. miLEAD gave me the opportunity to interact with companies of varying sizes and establishment to feel out where my work ethic would best fit. It has been invaluable.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
Confidence, hands down. Research tends to put very smart people in a small area, making you feel like a small fish in a large pond, but we have great critical thinking skills and knowledge that applies to a wide range of problems. Learning how to wield that has made me a better presenter and stronger teammate.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
The highlight for me was the Michigan Graduate Career Panel & Networking Symposium in the spring of 2019. There were many great perspectives across industry fields, and it was some of the most meaningful networking I've been a part of. We also got to see some past miLEAD consultants in their successful transition to industry. It was very motivating.