Consultant Spotlight - July 2024


Frankie Czesak

PhD Student in Neuroscience


How long have you been with miLEAD? 

I officially joined miLEAD in March 2023 (16 months).

What is the focus of your research?

My research focuses on vulnerability to psychiatric disorders - what makes some individuals predisposed to conditions such as substance abuse and PTSD, while others are not? We look at behavioral and neurobiological factors in rodent models to better understand these conditions and inform treatments.

What are your current career goals?

While I am still in the process of career exploration, my current aspirations include pursuing science and technology policy to apply research findings at a broader scope. I am also interested in behavioral consulting where I could use my knowledge and passion in behavioral science to solve complex problems.

What roles have you played on projects? 

I have participated in both primary and secondary research projects in miLEAD as a consultant.

What led you to seek out milead?

I sought out miLEAD because I was interested in using my background in science and research to solve problems in a practical way. Joining miLEAD sounded like a great way to obtain client-facing experience, build my professional skillset, and satiate my desire for real-life research application.

Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?

miLEAD has greatly improved my critical thinking skills, allowing me to more quickly and carefully consider what the client wants and how my skillset can get us there. I have also gained experience collaborating with a team, presenting information in efficient and concise ways, and overall, gained confidence in my ability to tackle problems.

What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD? 

During my most recent primary research project, I had the opportunity to interview experts and obtain firsthand research for our client. Not only was it rewarding to clarify our insights and presumptions with factual data, but seeing the client so pleased with our findings at the end of the project made it all the more worthwhile.