Consultant Spotlight - January 2021
Hannah Chia
Ph.D. Student in Chemical Biology Program
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I’ve been with miLEAD since October 2019, so almost a year and a half.
What is the focus of your research?
One collaborative project in my lab utilizes fluorescence microscopy to characterize cross-species interactions between gut bacteria. To enable these types of studies, I am developing a new set of oxygen-independent fluorescent proteins to use in anaerobic fluorescence microscopy.
What are your career goals?
I like working on projects and ideas that are at the intersections of science, communications, and business. I love the exercise of problem solving and storytelling with fun and talented colleagues. As such, I’m looking forward to starting a career in strategy consulting.
What roles have you played on projects?
I’ve been a consultant on two projects: one in-house project that developed training modules and one project for a company developing medical devices.
What led you to seek out milead?
A lot of folks ahead of me in my program have been involved in miLEAD as consultants and project managers, and they always spoke highly of the organization. I decided to apply to miLEAD because I wanted to gain more experience in the business world.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
In terms of tangible skills, I’ve been able to improve upon a multitude of skills including but not limited to slide design, market research, and qualitative primary research. However, the intangible skill development has been far more impactful, as I am more confident in my ability to work with groups on diverse projects with quick turnarounds.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
I think one of the major pillars of miLEAD’s strength is in its consultant and alumni pool. I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to learn from so many talented individuals through workshops and projects.