Consultant Spotlight - March 2022
Josh Lott
PhD Student in Biomedical Engineering
How long have you been with miLEAD?
I joined miLEAD in Fall 2020.
What is the focus of your research?
I study the cellular regulation of g-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Specifically, I investigate signaling and trafficking of the cannabinoid receptor-1 to determine how its cellular regulation changes in response to agonist stimulation.
What are your career goals?
After I graduate, I will pursue a career in medical affairs. I thoroughly enjoy science communication, and within medical affairs it is a valuable skillset. Specifically, I would enjoy the Medical Science Liaison role.
What roles have you played on projects?
I've gained a lot of experience through the miLEAD projects I've worked on. My first project was an internal marketing project that inadvertently gave me a thorough understanding of biomedical consulting. As a consultant, I've conducted primary research and engaged with healthcare professional across a wide range of disciplines. As a project manager, I've led teams by delegating task to consultants and ensuring that our clients' needs are met.
What led you to seek out milead?
I sought out miLEAD because I was interested in exploring non-academic careers. I had many friends that were a part of miLEAD, and they all encouraged to apply. I knew that gaining consulting experience would be valuable for whatever career I decided to pursue.
Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?
I've developed many skills as a miLEAD consultant and project manager. My ability to network has improved tremendously, and I'm much more organized in my approach to completing tasks. Additionally, my communication skills have improved significantly by engaging with clients who often have different backgrounds.
What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD?
I've had many rewarding experiences working with miLEAD. I didn't have any consulting experience prior to joining, so it's great to reflect on the fact that I've gained skills that helped me effectively lead a project. It has also been extremely rewarding getting to know miLEAD's board of directors and other members of the organization.