Alumni Spotlight - February 2025

Christina Lee

PK-PD Senior Scientist at Zoetis

How long were you a member of miLEAD? What positions did you hold?

I was a member of miLEAD for two years and I was a project manager, Director of Marketing, interim Director of Web Services, and Vice President of Client Services.

What was the most interesting project you were involved with while in milead?

My favorite project was a primary research project on prenatal testing. It was really interesting to hear the different perspectives and pain points that varied by provider (OBGYN, Maternal-Fetal-Medicine, Geneticists), as well as by location of the provider.

How did miLEAD help you obtain your current position?

When interviewing for my role, which is not related to consulting, I found my interviewers were still very interested in my miLEAD experience. I frequently used miLEAD experiences to help answer behavioral fit questions and demonstrate my ability to work well in teams. It also helped that I found people in miLEAD to practice interview questions with as well!

What is your day-to-day life like in your current position?

My day-to-day life mostly is data analysis focused. In my job, I am responsible for taking pharmacokinetic data (drug plasma concentration time data) and/or pharmacodynamic data (response to drug levels) to optimize dosing regimens for efficacy and safety. This analysis usually requires mathematical modeling using differential equations, and/or other statistical methods such as nonlinear mixed effects modeling to simulate how populations are expected to respond to a given regimen. If you are interested in PK/PD or QSP modeling and are a current/past member of miLEAD, feel free to connect!

What did you learn through miLEAD that you apply to your current position?

I think the most valuable thing I learned through miLEAD and apply frequently is how to tackle challenging (and often ambiguous) problems by breaking the problem down into smaller more manageable steps and focusing on the key questions that need to be answered.

What advice would you give to current or prospective miLEAD consultants?

I definitely recommend joining miLEAD and if you have the capacity, becoming a project manager. It is a unique opportunity that I feel set me apart from others during my interviews. I also found my summer internship really helpful for developing a lot of the skills I use everyday at my job.